Migrate from TSLint to ESLint on Angular Project

Angular project have deprecated the use of TSLint and Codelyzer in version 11, and even if it continues doing the job I strongly recommend to migrate to ESLint and Prettier to help maintaining a consistent style:

Allow cleartext, unencrypted HTTP, with Cordova

Starting with Android 9 (API level 28), cleartext (using the unencrypted HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS) support is disabled by default.

Display date, only day and month (without year), in user's locale format

If you’ve ever tried to display anniversaries on JS projects maybe you faced this problem: “How to display date, only day and month (without year), in user’s locale format?”. In other words, given a date I want to display ‘June 12’ for english users and ‘12 de Junho’ for portugueses. If you look for momentjs or dateformat, these popular frameworks do not provide this format, so the truth is out there… javascript-birthday-format

Add Firebase Analytics on Native Ionic App

The aim of this tutorial is to show how to integrate Firebase Analytics on a Ionic/Angular Native App, to start using the all in one (Web + App) Analytics tool. firebase-console-analytics-first_open

Add Web Push Support on Ionic PWA with Firebase Cloud Messaging and AngularFire

This post continues our serie on Ionic 4/Angular + Firebase Stack, as always we use AngularFire to connect our client App to Firebase SDK. There are a lot of posts about this topic but few up-to-date using AngularFire, and it’s the main motivation of this post because it exists discussions about using or not AngularFire. Firebase Web Push with Ionic

Design login page UI for mobile App

We are currently working on a large refactoring of our product, infomobi, a mobile App to manage companies internal communication. And today I’ve decided to work on UI of our login page, I have no UI/UX skills, my objective was to build up something as state of the art, it’s this journey I’d like to share with you below and detail which tools I’ve used at each step. login-screenshot

Firebase authentication by email link with whitelist

Whitelist allows you to control who can access your App. The authentication process is responsible to verify user identity, when succeed should check if user is autorized. The authorization could be granted by checking email domain or if email exists in a “whitelist”.

Firebase Login by link on Ionic/Angular

Securately manage our passwords demands careful attention. So to avoid this, a lot of services allow us to access their resources sending a unique link to our email. Firebase released a feature for it. Firebase Logo

How to use Ionic Native Deeplinks and OneSignal

Since we started to live a “double life”, producing Native and Progressive Web Apps, we have this goal, to use the same code between platforms. In our case, we want to send a push (web or native) to our users about an specific content on our app. With webpush is quite easy, just passing the content url (like https//my.amazing.app/content/123) as a parameter to a push service (we use Onesignal so far). Our mission is have this same behavior into an ionic native app. To do this we will break it in some steps.

Steps to Success

  1. Open Native APP through an URL
  2. Open Native APP into on a spefic content through an URL
  3. Open Native APP into on a spefic content through an Push Notification

Authentication by URL using Firebase Auth

Sometimes in your project you want to allow your users to log-in through URL. So it can access private features only click in one link (mostly sent by email). What we are doing is use Firebase Custom Auth to do this.